Saturday, January 17, 2009

Witness to History

I work on a four week rotation. I work Monday through Friday three weeks and the fourth I work Tuesday through Saturday. This was my week to work Tuesday through Saturday.

I listen closely to the news. Since most of it has been bad lately I have considered a news boycott. So far, that hasn't happened.

The past few weeks I heard reports that our new President was to be going from Philadelphia to Washington by rail. I live about 45 minutes from the I-95, Northeast Corridor, BosWash sprawl. The Susquehanna River empties into/becomes the Chesapeake Bay at a town named Havre de Grace, Maryland. It's a cool town. Art galleries, restaurants along a waterfront from which one can see all the major transit arteries for the northeast crossing the broad expanse of water. I-95, US route 40, Norfolk Southern, and Amtrak all cross the river in close proximity. The Amtrak line is the one closest to the Chesapeake Bay.

Having heard these reports I decided to take a half vacation day today. I went into work at 7:30 and left at 11:30. I came home for a bit and left for the Bay at 1:15.

I hadn't been into the town for many years. I just wanted to find someplace to see Mr. Obama and Mr. BIden's train cross the river. I drove there, crossed the river and then just headed for the water. I drove through their downtown and continued parallel to the water. I saw a 'Parking' sign with an arrow towards the water. I turned.

It was a small park. There was only one other car in the parking lot. It was brutally cold; a strong breeze blowing in off the bay. There was one man standing alone, facing west looking up the river. I wanted to see if it was a good vantage point. I parked, got out of my car and walked out towards the water past him. There was a paddle-wheel river boat docked towards the back of the park. I walked out there to survey the view.

The view was great. The bay to the east, the wide river to the north. I was able to see a good 3/4 mile of the bridge over which Mr. Obama's train would pass.

The first 'hint' of something was an unusual train that passed over the bridge moments after I got there. It was two engines and only two cars behind them. It was not a regular train. I had asked the gentleman if he was there for the same reason I was and he responded, 'yes.' We spoke briefly as I tried to find out where the train was by calling our dispatch office and asking Karla to turn on

The gentleman went back to his car to warm up. I called Jeff in Michigan and told him I had a great view of the bridge. As we spoke on the phone a helicopter appeared and approached. Jeff could hear it on the phone. I snapped the phone closed, heard a train horn and there it was!

I had seen video on CNN before I left home. I knew it was two engines, ten cars long, the last car being 'distinctive.' I loved it! I snapped some pictures.
I am sorry to say clouds had rolled in and the lighting was not good. I was just glad to have witnessed some part of the 'arrival' of a new era.

Godspeed and God Bless Mr. Obama.

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