Friday, January 30, 2009

New Beginnings

I go 'way back' with online communications. I have been online since the Internet was first made available commercially. I had a primitive computer and was intrigued by the ability to communicate with others through this new medium.

In the earliest days the only means of online communication was through what were known as 'Bulletin Boards.' At that time e-mail was new. The bulletin board provided a place to request information and make contact with people of 'like-interest' through this new computer and the phone line. At that time I had just become the 'Cable Guy.' I ran the cable from the 'telephone' pole to the house and then from there to the TV sets. When I was done a job I screwed a connector onto the back of the set; saw a beautifully clear picture, had the customer sign the paperwork and I was done.

When I took the job I thought it would not only be 'fun;' but the company mentioned during the interview process that they had never laid anyone off. I had just been laid off from a job I liked very much. I did not want to repeat the loss again; hence, I was anxious to become the 'Cable Guy.'

At the time I would have NEVER guessed that technology would have advanced me, through nothing but work experience, to become your 'internet-service provider dude.' I have been on the job now many years and it is pretty amazing to look back. Now if I screw the connector onto the back of the 'unit' and you don't have an 'IP address' something's wrong; and I have to find it.

The place where I worked before went out of business. A lot of the people that worked there went to work for a 'spin-off' business in the area. I could have accepted a place there, too, but decided to go with being the 'Cable Guy.'

Some years later I had a service call to a BIG house in an 'exclusive' new neighborhood. It was in some wooded hills. The lots were 10 acres/minimum. One of those very nice exceptions I mentioned yesterday. The gentleman's name seemed familiar to me although I didn't recognize him. I asked him where he worked. He mentioned the 'spin-off' company. I asked if he had worked at their 'predecessor;' the company I had worked for. He said, 'Yes.'

We traded stories from ISC, our common corporate connection. I asked what he did now for the new Company. He replied, 'I'm the president.' Oh my. I didn't know that. What a small world and 'funny' how thing's work out.

He was comfortable enough with me, and knowing our common history, he told me anytime I wanted a tour of the 'new' company to call his secretary to arrange it and he would take me around the plant. I thought how 'cool' would that be, as all these former co-workers would be wondering how I came to be touring the plant with the president of the company.

It's funny to think I had the opportunity because I hooked up the guy's cable at his home.

Life takes many turns.
Often what seems a set-back can become an opportunity.

The Cable Guy as a VIP.
Who'd have ever guessed that?

Hope all's well with everyone.

Stay warm, have fun, and a good night, too.

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