Monday, January 26, 2009

Dead of Winter

Here in these parts we are facing a forecast that includes some 'wintry' precipitation. That's what they call it when they just don't know where the rain/ice/snow line is going to land. We often just have to wait and see how the storm tracks. Here in the northeast we have been back down in the freeze; it just hasn't been as deep or as brutal as it had been.

Now that January is almost past we really are in the dead of winter. The temperatures are about the coldest and the sun is just on the cusp of recovering enough to provide warmth that you can actually feel. Spring is 53 days away. I am sure it will pass quickly.
I posted those pictures above to remind those of us that need it that it is sunny and 75 somewhere in the world right now. It will be that way here soon, too.
The pictures were taken of and in Cancun. Mexico. I was there a few years ago and, as you can see, it was very nice. I have never seen water more beautifully clear and blue as it is there. I hope somehow that no matter how cold it is where ever you may be that they provide some needed warmth.
Have fun. Take Care. Stay Warm.

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