Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mr. H.

On Friday my last job was at a home I had been to once before.

It was an old farmhouse at the end of a stately, tree-lined lane.

It had been a few years but I remembered the senior gentleman was intrigued that my father had been an Air Force pilot. He was also a pilot. He learned in an open-air cockpit biplane.

I rang the doorbell and a dog began barking. The door slowly opened and there was Mr. H. I smiled when I saw him, I told him I was there for the Cable up-grade, and reminded him I had been there before. He didn't remember. I reminded him my dad was a pilot and we talked about flying.

Bless his heart, he went into another room and brought out two framed VERY OLD photos. He was in the cockpit of the biplane, his wife standing nearby. The photos over 60 years old. I asked him how old he is and he is now 90. He asked again what planes my dad flew and when I first mentioned 'B-52' his eyes got wide and he said, 'That's the really big one.'

I smiled and said, 'Yes,' and listed the others. He knew them all.

It was great. I make house-calls routinely on my job. One of my priorities is to have the people comfortable with me being in their home. I like to 'connect' on some personal level and establish a 'comfort-zone.' It's rewarding to me to know when I do.

It was nice to see Mr. H. again and to know he is still doing well. He is still as sharp/spry as he was a few years ago. I think somehow he liked seeing and talking to me again, too.

Here we had little frozen precipitation despite the recent weather 'hype.'
I am still looking at my frozen lawn. I know in many places that's not true.

I hope everyone is staying warm.
As each day passes we are one more closely to Spring.
Peace and warmth be with you all.

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