I was honored but wasn't quite sure what to do. I had some weeks' notice. The plan was to drive to upstate NY. We were headed to an area along the Hudson River on the east side around the Kingston Bridge. I had never been to that area of the country before; I had the vacation time to use, so really had no reason to say, 'no.' I am always anxious to explore new places; the friend that asked me was somewhat distraught. It was a promised obligation he needed to fulfill. I agreed to go along.
The 'spiritual me' felt I had to do 'something.' I had no idea what to do.
It was 'stewing' somewhere inside me as the time of the trip approached.
As my job requires me to drive; I spend some time behind the wheel every day. One day as I drove through a residential neighborhood I don't know what hit me. Words started spilling from my mind. I scribbled them down on an envelope I had in the work van. I still have the envelope. Here is what they became with very few 'tweeks.'
No greater burden assails the Heart
than bidding a last farewell
to the One for whom you cared so much
through the tolling of the bell.
Shed not the tears of tragedy, sorrow and despair;
Instead the tears of Joy
for the Love, the Warmth, the Care;
for each of those soft moments
that Love was in the air
that both of you were fortunate
to have the time to share.
Though much too brief a time it was
The elements were there
for Communion of the Spirits;
the bonding forged of Care.
This transcends the Earthly bounds
and helps to let us bear
the burdens of this complex life;
to live on, and to share.
For as you know deep in her Heart
she surely knows right now
the courage and the strength you've shown,
her Heart is surely proud;
and in your Hearts you both still know
The Love that still resides
as you say that last farewell
your loving last good-byes.
And know somehow that as you leave
and move on from this place
that all those things you held so dear
were surely not misplaced;
but will remain within your Hearts,
your Spirits, and your Souls;
each and every moment
wherever you may go.
Some days still may be shrouded
the memories, the clouds, the rain,
a sense of Light made difficult
for your Spirit to attain;
You must believe the glow of Dawn
as darkness will succumb
for though it may seem distant now
the Sun will surely come.
I really don't know where they came from. Divinely Inspired?
I still have the envelope.
The plan was to take his pick-up truck with my canoe on the roof to a state park in the river hills along the Hudson. Just north of the mansions of the Vanderbilts and Franklin Roosevelt. No doubt a beautiful area of New York state; in many ways very much like Amishland.
The Hudson river is navigable all the way up to Albany. There is a shipping channel. This channel is marked with antique lighthouses. They are islands-to-themselves. The plane was to go paddle out to them; and we did.
We stayed in a cool log cabin at a state park that was very cool. It was the last weekend of October. Definitely a chill in the air. It was a special place for them and some of the ashes were to be spread there. We were to spend almost a week there and do some touring, too.
It was a very nice trip. The weather was sunny, cool and crisp. After a long hot humid summer in the northeast the chill is often welcome relief. We did paddle out to river lighthouses. We explored some of the crumbling mansions locally. Most definetly ruins of a by-gone era. Very historical area; again much like Amishland.
We built a campfire that night. There may have been a full moon. There was another friend along on the trip, too. We all walked down to a place where the hillside was almost a cliff. We said good-bye and spread the ashes where they were supposed to be.
I had printed two copies of those words. One I framed and gave to my friend. The other I placed in a zip-lock bag. I placed the bag deep inside an open hole in the trunk of a tree; just above that special place.
I have often wanted to venture back to see if it's still there.
Funny how now it's a special place for me, too.
Just a story from my past I wanted to share.
Hope you all have a good night, a great weekend, too.
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