Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bright New Day in America

Good evening everyone,

It's a bright new beautiful day in America!

I really do want to keep this blog, just like the last one, apolitical.
This post might come off as partisan; I am really just going to share some personal history and recount my day.

In late October of '06 my friend Jeff in Michigan sent me this link....

National Nightmare - Home of the George Bush Countdown Clock Keychain.

He knew I would LOVE it. He told me he ordered a dozen of them, they had arrived at his house and he was 'overnighting' one to me. Sure enough, it arrived the next day. It became one of my most-prized possessions; I had it proudly displayed, clipped onto my backpack which goes with me on most of my personal travels. It had over 900 days on it. Ugh.

Obviously, today held 'special' significance to me. My father was an Air Force pilot that died five days after he retired from twenty years of service to his country. He always taught us that his 'job' was protecting my right to speak freely, to vote, and to believe what we wanted. He encouraged us to never fear to say anything we honestly believed in. He wasn't shot down while at war but still gave his life for his country. Hence, 'these things' very important to me.

In my humble opinion the voice of history will cast these past eight years as a 'dark time' in American history. Today represented a proud moment of recovery on many different levels. A significant amount of damage has been done to the values and institutions that represent to the world the 'spirit' of America. Once again may I proudly wish President Obama Godspeed and God's blessing. The situation really is a mess.

I went into work this morning with a bright smile on my face despite the close-to-bitter cold. I followed my usual routine. I went into the office, grabbed my stuff, processed my paperwork and left the office. I drove to a convenience store on the way to my first job, went to the bathroom, bought my iced tea and paper and went out to my van.

As usual, I opened the paper to the editorial page. The letters to the editor her in Amishland can often be humorous. You have to wonder, ya know? When I glanced at the editorial two pages my eye was drawn to headline among the letters. 'Bush should walk home.' I thought, that sounds like something I submitted to the paper a couple weeks ago. I looked at the name and guess what? IT WAS ME! lol

I first tried to call my mom, the line was busy. I then called Jeff in Michigan. He didn't answer. I knew the woman that works in the convenience store and saw the store wasn't busy. I got out of the van; walked into the store; laughed and opened the paper. I said, 'Look, that's me!' lol

We talked about things briefly and I went back to the van. I called my friend Justin in Boston. He picked up. When he answered the phone I said, 'Good Morning, Justin...it's a bright and beautiful new day in America.' He laughed and said, 'Yes, indeed, it is.'

I told him I had been published in the local paper and he laughed. We had a nice chat and I proceeded to my first job. When I arrived I called Karla on the cell phone and when she picked up I said, 'GOOD MORNING, KARLA;' which is typical. Then, just like the day after the election, I said, 'it's a bright and beautiful new day in America.' She laughed and said the same.

'Yes, indeed, it is.'

As the day went on, no matter who answered they were greeted the same way. It is, indeed, a bright new day for our nation. I am sorry to day, the greeting here was not always met with any warmth. This is Amishland, ya know?

I went about my morning. I pulled into a driveway at 11:40 AM. I was there to connect Internet service. I rang the bell of the bilevel, split-foyer home. A woman answered the door, I could hear Innaugural events on the TV upstairs as she greeted me. After she invited me in I smiled and looked at her and said, 'Ma'am, while I am here I am going to ask you for one 'indulgence.' I would like to be in a room with an operating TV at noon. I promise you the Cable will work, just let me be in a room with a TV.' She smiled and said, 'No problem.' I could hear a NY accent in her voice so I knew she was NOT 'one-of-them.' lol

I had work to do outside that was going to interrupt the service to the home. It was 11:47 when I went outside. She laughed when I came back in as she saw me literally running around in the snow. She looked at me and asked, 'Did you hit your head?' I said, 'Yes, I bumped some ice on the pedestal.' Blood was running down my forehead. I didn't care. I had to watch history.

She and I watched and listened. She was very nice. I shared the moment with her. I did have my camera with me and asked if I could take her picture to put here. She did say yes. Sorry to say, I had the camera absent the memory-card. Ugh.

Truly a fine moment in the nation's history.

I am once again very PROUD to be an American.

May God Bless Us ALL, and Godspeed to President Obama.

Thank you for some sense of hope.

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