Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Weather Woes

The Spring-like weekend weather here all came crashing down late Sunday afternoon, literally. There was a confluence of a warm front and cold front that collided above this county that produced a violent rotating thunderstorm. There was golf-ball sized hail; very high winds and the National Weather Service determined it was an EF-1 tornado.

At my house it was a beautiful Sunday afternoon. After our harsh reminders of winter this year it was nice to finally sense that glow of Spring. The air was warm; the sun was strong. Some clouds came up; I saw the forecast. I knew a cold front was to pass through our area.

I was outside enjoying the day reading on a chaise lounge. I was trying to hear the songbirds from my backyard woods against the back-drop sounds of the neighbors-from-hell. I saw the clouds welling up and thought I'd wait until the rain hit me before I would go back inside. The weekend had been the long-awaited arrival of 'Spring fever.' I wanted to savor every moment.

I heard one of the LOUD children from next door say the words, 'tornado warning...' I looked up and the sky was pretty dark. I remembered my own local tornado experience which is the one you see in the pictures. I heard the thunder from the nearby storm. I decided to go in and check the Weather Channel.

There was a local tornado warning. Strong rotating cell. Here I had five minutes of very hard rain; five minutes of small hail and then the sun came out. Fifteen miles away from here a tornado touched down. It ran a few miles through a rural area. It took off some barn roofs; destroyed a few mobile homes. Luckily, no one was killed; three people were hospitalized.

I hope Spring is making a more gentle entrance where you are.
Enjoy the rise of the sun and the greening that's soon to come.

You have to love the colors of Spring. They are days away here now. It's very fun to look forward to; soon there will be vegetables growing in my garden, too.

Hope you all have are having a good week. I hope Spring has Sprung where you are, too; just not in such a destructive way.
More from me soon.

take care, have fun.


*photo disclaimer - tornado photo was NOT of this recent storm. I took that photo back in 1989*

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