Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mrs. S.

Today was a nice early Spring day here. The sun was shining; the birds were singing; some flowers are blooming now, too. It was a nice day to be out-and-about working.

I had one job that was scheduled between 1PM-3PM. I pride myself on being the Cable guy that is always on time. I stopped there early...about 12:20 PM and knocked lightly on the door. It appeared no one was home. I had a disconnect nearby to do; they go quickly. I would go do that and come back at 1PM.

When I returned I knocked a bit louder. A nice senior woman answered the door and asked, 'Were you here a short time ago?' I smiled and said, 'Yes.'
She said, 'I was washing vegetables and had my hands in the sink when you the time I got to the door you were driving away. I was waving but you didn't see me.' Oh my.

I said, 'Ma'am, I am so sorry. I try to be on-time and if I am early I 'tread-lightly.'' Some people work shift-work and I wouldn't want to 'disturb.' She understood. I could tell she 'wasn't from around here.' She was in her late 70's and grandson was getting her the baseball package we carry.

I asked her where she was from and she said, 'Hoboken, New Jersey.' I smiled and said, 'What a cool place. I was just there the begining of December.' Her eyes got wide, she smiled and said, 'You were?' I said, 'Yes and I ate a good meal at some Italian restaurant there.' She asked, 'On Main Street?' I answered, 'Yes.' She tried to think of some Bless her heart. I told her I wouldn't remember the name and explained we were on ZIP-car adventure to New Jersey from Manhattan. It was very cool as she understood 'all-that,' too.

I had a very nice time with her as I went about my job. I was saying my good-byes and she went to hand me a $5 bill. I told her, no. It was a pleasure to meet her; to keep her money. She said 'get yourself something to drink, thank you, you were very nice.' I smiled, thanked her and told her she didn't need to do that. She said she knew and 'go get something to drink.' We then had a brief conversation about the 'local' people. She completely understood. She really is a sweetheart. I knew when she told me she was from Hoboken; she had to be a Yankees fan. Guess what? She is! She complained that in New Jersey all the games would be on 'regular cable.' No doubt it was a nice gift from her grandson who lives closeby. I'm very glad to have been a part of it.

One of the human perks of my job that help me get out of bed every morning no matter how bad the weather forecast is. Every now-and-then you hit some people that are 'gems.' Publicly mentioned on here there's John-and-Lisa, Mr. and Mrs. D, and now I am happy to say; Mrs. S. I really had a nice time talking with her. I always like when the people sense they can be very comfortable with me. I'm happy to add Mrs S to the list.

Looks like rainy/windy day here tomorrow, ugh.
I'll manage to get through the eight potentially wet hours; I always do.
Then I have a three-day weekend. WOO HOO!

Hope you all had a good day.

Not sure where I will end up this weekend....

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