Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another day's travels...

Today was a classic April day here in the Northeast. It was not cold; not warm. It was sunny one minute; raining the next. Our forecast is pretty wild as it is supposed to hit the mid-80's for the weekend. Some may like that, for me that is too much heat too fast. I like my days sunny and 69, ya know?

I spent a large part of my morning in an un-informative meeting at the office about a new service our company is launching. The guy that gave the meeting was good; but more questions were raised than were answered. At one point he asked for a piece of paper to note our collective concerns. My company has a tendency to put-the-cart-before-the-horse. To quote the guy seated next to me during the meeting, 'READY, SHOOT, then AIM.' The gun analogy must be part of the huntin'-lovin' PA culture. wink

After the meeting I was headed out into 'the field' for the day. I was headed towards the heart of Amishland. The spring-time countryside is very beautiful. Many flowers and flowering trees are in full bloom now; everything is very green.
As usual I never know what I am going to find when I set out in the morning. Today was no different. As you can see from the pictures above the front walk into the home was very cool. From the road it just appeared to be a very nice ranch house; split level on one end. It was set back from the road by a couple hundred feet. I pulled into the driveway, got out of my van and approached the door. I saw the walk and thought, 'how cool is that?' The moat ran the length of the first part of the front of the house. It was invisible from the road and most of the driveway; a very cool surprise, indeed. Sorry to say there were no fish in the moat. When I asked about that, the guy told me the koi pond was out back. The guy wasn't real friendly so I didn't want to ask to see. I only asked if it would be okay for me to take a couple pictures of the front of the house. It really was very cool.

One of the 'collateral perks' of my job is seeing how other people live. Seeing the creative things that they do. Everyday really is a new adventure.

Hope you all had a good day.

More from me soon.

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