Thursday, March 26, 2009

Amish 'Acceptions'

This past week the local newspaper printed two separate articles reporting from two different local townships. The articles told of zoning meetings within these townships related to commercial dog kennels. Lancaster County is 'notorious' for offensive 'puppy-mills;' most of them owned and operated by the Amish. Many of these people have no respect for animals.

Pennsylvania recently enacted a reform of antiquated dog kennel laws. State licensing with local zoning certification is now required of commercial dog breeding kennels. Previously the administration of such matters was only handled on the local level. The reform was long overdue. Some may recall a recent story of two Mennonite farmers operating what was to become an 'illegal' kennel that shot 80 dogs rather than comply with the conditions of the new law. Truly unbelievable.

The paper reported that these township zoning boards were hearing petitions from local residents to license and operate commercial breeding kennels to conform to the new state law. In every case the petitioners admitted operating UN-licensed commercial dog breeding operations in violation of their local ordinances for many years. One was even quoted as saying he couldn't guarantee he would comply with some of the conditions as stated in the new law as on a farm 'you never know what might come up.' The township boards can take up to 45 days to render a decision. In every one of these cases the zoning certification was provided immediately with no deliberation. As I said before, I live in a strange place, indeed.

In Lancaster County there is a double-standard for laws and justice. There is one standard for the 'gentile' 'English' and I; there is another for the 'Plain' people, the Mennonites and the Amish. If a 'transplant' from New Jersey had illegally operated a commercial dog breeding operation in one of these townships FOR MANY YEARS; I would guarantee there would be no immediate approval of the process. They aren't part of the local culture which seems to turn a 'blind-eye' to some things; not others.

Some years ago there was a case reported nationally about two young Amishmen that were distributing cocaine at their social 'ho-downs.' They were arrested and prosecuted through our judicial system. Their 'punishment?' They were given lengthy probation and released back into their communty as prison might constitute 'cruel and unusual punishment.' Excuse me? If you or I was found guilty of the offenses charged to them we would probably still be in the state penitentiary.

A few years ago the state enacted a Uniform Building Code for new structures constructed within the Commonwealth. Makes sense, right? Guess what? The local legislators successfully lobbied hard to get exceptions from the law for the Amish and Mennonites. If you or I would build a house we would have to comply with more restrictions than they do. Again, I don't get it.

The 'Plain' community is also exempted from our state marriage laws. They are allowed by law to marry their first-cousins. The thought would never enter my mind; but they are legally permitted. I don't know if the local tours tell you that. wink

We have 'compulsory' education. You and I are expected to complete such education to a '12th grade level;' for them it's '8th grade.' A 'gifted' Amish child has no choice but to work on the farm or be 'shunned' by their family. How's that for some 'family values?'

If you and I work for an employer we pay Social Security/FICA taxes. They do not. For some reason; they collectively opted out of the system. What do you think would happen if you-or-I tried to 'opt-out' of the system because of our religion; we'd be laughed out of the SS office. Again, I don't get it.

They are exempted from 'child-labor' laws and pay nothing for road maintenance; yet they often hinder traffic. Again, I don't get it.

The only logical conclusion one can draw from these facts is that the local business community profits so much from the curiosity and tourists they draw that 'they' bend the law to accommodate them. I'm not local so, to me, it's just not right. I was brought up by my Air Force pilot father to believe in 'equal protection under law' and the seperation of church-and-state, ya know?

Those things don't seem to apply here.

They seem to be accepted into some higher level of 'justice' because of their religion.

This post was meant in no way to denigrate these people for their beliefs. Each and every one of us are entitled to our own.

It was meant to point out discrepancies in the way different people are treated. Some things kept 'below the surface' that most people may not know.

Welcome to my world.

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