For those of us here in the northeast US it was a 'topsy-turvy' week with the weather, for sure. Everything was seasonal and calm until Monday morning. The storm formed in the southeast. Here it hit around 6:30 AM. All of a sudden there was SNOW. It was the light-fluffy kind but there was LOTS of it here. Much more than had been predicted.
The snowfall ushered in what can only be described as one 'brutal' blast of that Canadian air that can feel so refreshing in the Fall. It was cold, it was windy and down here we always blame Alberta. I don't know or care where it came from; IT WAS COLD.
I have been doing 'line maintenance' for the past couple weeks so I have hadn't had any contact with the public. I have been working out of a bucket-truck up-grading the 'main' lines. I was outside all week; all of my worktime.
The winds died down sometime Wednesday and the sun felt good. My face was probably sun-burned that afternoon with the rising sun reflected off the wind-drifted snow. The sun always belies the promise of Spring.
Spring sprung here today. The forecast was for mid-50's. The clouds broke; the sun came out and we hit a high in the mid-60's. I have a five-letter word for that...
FEVER...of the Spring variety, that is!
Thank God for the change of seasons, the promise of new green life, the rising sun and all that comes with it. That leads to another five-letter word...
When I first moved to this area from California I hated it here. There was nothing to do. A few years later through a woman I knew at work I met a guy who took me out on the local river in his canoe.
The river opens up and is very wide nearby; it is very shallow, too. On this side there is a band of wooded islands; a couple that are barren, too. I loved it! Within a week I had purchased my first canoe. I wanted to be able to go out there again, for sure.
Tonight I pulled into the driveway and within ten minutes had the canoe 'racked-and-tied' on the car. The forecast for tomorrow is warm, too. I can't wait to get out to my island beach with the migrating Tundra swans and Canada geese. I'm hoping any ice from the brutal cold this week has melted.
If not, I guess I'll be playing 'Captain-of-the-the-Titanic' once again. wink
It's all good. I love it.
The water, the sun and the sand all got into my blood when my family lived at Cocoa Beach, Florida. Somehow, I found all that here. I drive ten minutes; paddle fifteen and I am on a private island beach. The sun sets over a wide expanse of water there. There is always an abundance of dried driftwood to burn on the beach. As an island in Amishland; it seems no-one cares. It really is pretty cool.
I live close to the Susquehanna River. I moved to this area from California. 'Eureka' is the state motto of California. It is Greek for 'I found it;' yelled by prospectors upon finding their 'mother lode' of gold. For me that is water, sun and sand that is closeby. Hence, SUSQeureka.
I found it!
Hope everyone's got that spirit now, too.
Take care, have fun.
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