Friday, August 28, 2009

'Remmy' comes home

Early this past Spring I was driving through a neighborhood and spotted a guy playing with his black pug in the front yard. I promised Op when I said good-bye to her that every time I saw a pug I would stop to say hello as I knew there would be a 'piece' of her in each-and-every-one. I wrote about it in a previous blog posting. I included a couple pictures of the dog back in late March/early April. I had a nice time talking to the people about their dogs.

This past weekend was my once-a-month three day weekend. The price I pay for it is this coming weekend as I have to work Saturday; I'm off Sunday and then go back in Monday. I was off this past Monday. When I went in to work Tuesday morning there was note attached to my time-card. I was to call these people about their black pug, 'Remmington.'

I sensed something was a-miss with them; sensed they might need a good home for him. I left the office; stopped for my morning green tea and passed by their house on my way to my first morning job. I placed a work 'doortag' on their front door with my cell phone listed on the appropriate line. It was nine o'clock in the morning; I knew someone in the home worked shift work so I didn't want to wake them. They called me back about 11 AM.

Dan explained to me that there had been 'conflicts' between their older English Bulldog and the young pug. He and his girlfriend had talked about it and decided would be best if he went to a good home. They thought of me. I was flattered. He asked if I was interested in adopting the little guy; I said, 'Sign me up.'

I asked him for a couple days to 'pug-proof' my house. He laughed and said, 'Sure.' He knew exactly what I meant. They are smart and 'crafty' dogs. Somehow, I relate to them well. I told Dan during our initial conversation that I would call them back late Thursday morning to get back with them.

I did. When he answered I asked if they were sure they wanted to 'do this.'
He said they were. I said, 'Then I'm ready when you are.' Unfortunately, he thought I meant 'right now.' I had to tell him I was calling him while working. I told him I would be off at 5 PM. He said they would be there.

I had a nice visit with them. I told them stories from having Oprah; they had stories from having both the dogs, too. I promised them he would have a happy life with me. They reassured me that they knew I would provide him not only good care but a nice life, too. Their yard was small. I have a large fenced-in portion of my property. LOTS of room for a pug puppy to run. Op loved it. As Op got older I could trust her to go all the way out to the woods with no physical boundaries. The only time Op was ever tethered on a leash was on walks in the neighborhood; in case any other dogs might be walking, too.

They reassured me they knew they were doing the right thing for the dog.
They said their good-byes and I brought Remmy home.

He has now been here 24 hours. In that time he has walked over a mile-and-a-half. I felt bad that he was here all day by himself as I worked. I took him for a long walk in between the current storms. He loved it.

He really is the cutest, smartest, sweetest nine-month-or-so old pug pup. He walks so good on the leash; he has 16 feet of line that's retractable. He knows the click-of-the-button when I lock it; he stops and follows me. His favorite place to be seems to be my lap. He looks up at me with that wrinkled face and those big brown eyes and it's very hard to say, 'no.'

After tonight's mile-long walk in between the storms he got a big drink of water, ate some of his food and then tried desperately to secure his throne-of-comfort, my lap. I am sorry to say the back of his coat was wet from the drizzle/light rain that fell on him during our almost twenty minute walk. I looked into those eyes and said, 'I'm sorry, you're wet.'

So started a ten minute 'battle-of-wills;' I prevailed. I practice 'gentle persuasion' and it seems to work. Whew! He is smart enough he really seems to understand.

Bless his heart, he is now sleeping next to my chair as I type this.
He is drying off slowly in this stormy HUMID air.
Cool fresh breezes can't get here soon enough for me.

It has been good for me to have him here. I look at that face and smile.
He has been so well-behaved; I am very impressed.

I can't wait to take him to the island beach where he can run freely.
Have thoughts of getting him to Central Park, too. wink

I feared I would have to 'mold' him into being a cool dog.
It seems like the people I adopted him from already did.
He's been great. It's good to have him here.

Hope all's well with everyone.

Special wishes to VERY special people that are heading to the 'Old World' tonight for an awesome vacation. Have a safe trip and HAVE FUN!


For those of us stranded at home; have a good weekend.

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