My work van has air-conditioning; I don't use it. After many years on the job my theory is that getting conditioned to the climate is better than trying to deny it. It was tough to keep from turning it on today; but I didn't. I'm sorry to say, one consequence of the weather conditions is my usual high 'patience level' with the public sinks.
My work route is often dictated by time restrictions instead of location. The office offers time 'windows.' The system allows for the following time windows...9-10, 9-1, 10-2, 1-3, and 1-5 for my 'first' shift. The 1-3's are the toughest as I am bound by our union contract to take my lunch no later than 2:30. Hence, a 1-3 is really a 1-2:30. A narrow time window when you never know what to expect, ya know?
On my second job this morning it was funny when the gentleman asked me why they only give you those windows? I told him the office can't take the time to know what the 'situation' is at any location; I never know what I might run into. Soon after I told him that I discovered the 'invisible' home wiring the previous owner had done and had to 'regroup' more than once to get 'things' where they needed to be.This new customer was an electrician; a web host, too. I told him at one point, 'This situation is the perfect answer to your question about the time windows. I can't possibly anticipate what I am going to find to make it all work.' He laughed and understood.
I was at his house for almost two hours; sweating profusely. He never offered me something to drink. My guess? Born-and-raised in Lancaster County. There is no sense of 'hospitality' here among the locals. If I had someone working at my house and they were dripping wet with sweat; I would offer something to drink. Here, the thought would never occur to them. It really is kind of sad.
His job was a 10-2. I pulled in at 10:05; I left at 11:45. I drove to a nearby convenience store to grab an ice cold flavored tea and take my morning 15 minute break. My next 'people job' was scheduled from 1-3. The work-order listed a phone number that was to be called 15 minutes before my arrival.
My break was over at 12:09; it's reported back to the office through my phone. I called the number listed for my 1-3 to see if they were home early; if it would be more convenient for me to come over now so they didn't have to wait. Instead of the traditional 'ring' one hears on the phone the woman subscribed to a phone service that plays music as you wait for an answer. The song was Pink Floyd's, 'Wish You Were Here.' I had seen the band play that tune TWICE in concert. That's a whole other 70's story, I will save that story for later. I like the song very much.
I guess I liked it too much. After the song played I made a BIG mistake. I left a message for the woman 'outside' of the prescribed time window. Her first name was Amanda. I said, 'Hi Amanda, my name is Chris. I am calling from *********. I have an order to come upgrade your service from 1-3. I thought I would call to see if you were available now. I really like your 'Wish You Were Here,' and I will call you back later.'
I then went up the same street to see if my 1-5 was home. They were. The woman greeted me warmly at the door. I was connecting internet service in her son's room in the basement; she left me alone as I did what was an easy job. I chatted with her and her family briefly as she signed the contract and I headed for the door. I had received an e-mail from the office 'Severe Thunderstorm Warning.' The skies were darkening quickly as I left that job.
As I headed for the door my work phone began ringing. I think it's rude to speak in a customer's presence so I waited to answer until I passed through the front door. When I went to answer; the call was gone. In a blink it began ringing again. The time was 1:07. The glare on the phone kept me from seeing the number; I assumed it to be the office so I immediately answered.
It was not the office; it was Amanda. I said, 'Hello.' There was no greeting; she immediately 'went off' on me. 'You were supposed to be here at 1 o'clock, you were here EARLY, ARE YOU COMING BACK HERE?' I was like, 'whoa!'
I said, 'I was NOT there; I called you early as a courtesy. I didn't want you to be waiting; if you were.' I continued, in response to part of her tirade, that my comment about 'wish you were here' was a reference to the tune SHE SELECTED TO PLAY; instead of the classic 'phone ring.'
She sternly asked, 'Well, are you coming back?'
I knew one thing from the tone of her side of our phone conversation. There could be no doubt; she was born/raised in Lancaster County. No doubt in my mind; none, whatsoever.
I said, 'Ma'am, I am two minutes up the street; I went and did another job as you were unavailable. I will be there momentarily.' I pulled into the parking lot in front of her subsidized apartment at 1:11. She had the door opened when I got there. The storm was 'imminent.' I knew I had to scramble to do-what-I-had-to-do outside before clouds emptied. I almost made it. I was soaking wet from sweat and rain when I finally made it to her door. Ugh.
After so many years on the job I would like to think I am really 'good' with people. This situation was going to be a tough one. I had a 'demanding' customer with attitude; our phone conversation had given me a negative one, too. One of those times I have to 'rise-to-the-occasion;' do what I have to do. Our 'personal thaw' happened slowly.
It helped that she acknowledged a 'misunderstanding.' I resisted every temptation to point out I was only 11 minutes 'late.' I did tell her I was trying to extend a 'courtesy' with my phone call as I do not want people waiting for me. I also explained my 'mistake' at leaving the message; I should have just hung up after enjoying the music. I should have waited until I was done with the 'available' afternoon job and called her back. Ironically, that would have been about the time she called me and went on her tirade. As I tried to 'unruffle her feathers;' I 'thanked' her. She asked, 'for what?' I said, 'I keep a blog to let my friends know what's going on with me. No doubt, I will have something to write about tonight!'
I knew she had internet service. She had it with us.
She never asked where the blog was, or the title.
I didn't tell, either.
Some times some things are best left 'unsaid,' ya know?
She's lucky some hours have gone by since our encounter.
I really have been 'charitable' with my comments.
If I were an evil Cable Guy, I would have taken my lunch, done a couple disconnects, and arrived at her front door at 2:55. I didn't. I did the right thing and tried to satisfy her cable needs at her earliest convenience. A sure sign of one thing. I'm NOT 'from' around here.
Hope all's well with everyone.
Have a good weekend, too.
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