Saturday, August 29, 2009

'Rebranding' Remmy

It's been 48 hours now since I brought the dog home. I worked again today but he's already walked another mile, at least I did, today. I walk the sidewalk, he zigs-and-zags through people's yards; does circles around me. Sometimes he does a small circle in front of me. It's almost like he just wants to be sure I'm still there with him as he bounds around and seems to have a lot of fun. I walk one mile; he probably runs five. He's been sleeping well. He's been good down here in the basement when I am at work, too. So far no destruction, knock-on-wood. wink

I just took a break before some more storms roll through to take him for another mile walk. So far everyone we meet thinks he's really cool and VERY cute. There's just something about the puppy-innocence of that flat and wrinkled face. It's supposed to be sunny here tomorrow. I plan on taking the first 'official' pictures of him in the sun; somewhere 'cool.'

Tomorrow I will take him over to meet my mom, too. I know she is going to love him. I know it will be good for her given the recent passing of her own fawn pug. She loved my little Op, too. She will take one look at his face and think of her. He looks just like her; one beautiful pug. I'm anxious to see her reaction.

Today I as I was driving around working I was thinking of his past life; which wasn't bad, but how I hope to make things better for him. I mentioned before that the couple I adopted him from had an older English Bulldog. I imagine there may have been some 'competition' for food. Here it's all for him! My neighborhood is more expansive; his walks I'm sure are longer. The front lawns are bigger; gives him a sense of 'running free,' a chance to just be a dog. These long walks I've been taking him on are designed to 'distract' him from the fact that he's not where 'home' used to be; teach him his new neighborhood; and let him know despite his long hours in the house without me, I guarantee time outside when he will be 'free.'

I think pug puppies have two things 'going on with them' as they mature. They are strong-willed, smart, and very curious. They have what I would call a 'curiosity quotient.' They want to see and know what's going on, ya know? They are also puppies like any other dog and have a lot of energy. They have a 'physical-activity' quotient, too. The long walks seem to satisfy both these needs. He really seems to love it; he's chomping on a rawhide treat now. I also thought about how he might be thinking he's gone to some 'pug resort.' There is always food in the bowl for him, fresh water...miles of 'open-space' to run, too. I'm glad he seems to be a pretty happy pup. He also might really be America's cutest dog. I am anxious to post some pictures of him.

As I have gotten to 'know' him these past two days I have mixed feelings about saying I am thinking of giving him a new name. Perhaps part of human psychology; renaming him might help me to feel like he's really 'mine.' One name is sticking in my mind. I 'floated' it past a couple of the neighbors who met him and asked. I'm still tossing the thought around. I might be 're-branding' Remmy.

He'll still be the same cool, adorable little dog.
He just might learn to be called something new.

Hope everyone's having a good weekend.
Take care, have fun.


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