Wednesday, January 6, 2010

better late than never?


I mentioned some posts ago my recent purchase of a new computer. I went back to an Apple MacIntosh after many years with a Windows-based PC.

I have had a lot of fun putting together videos for YouTube; the link to the first one titled, 'A day on my river,' is included in the post below.

I now have four videos posted there. One from a trip to Cancun, one from a trip to Mackinac Island/Lake Huron/Michigan, and one from a trip to Manhattan. I am sure there will be more. I have a lot of material to work with. The pictures above are shots from each of the new ones.

Each of them just a slice of our world.
Should you check them out, I hope you enjoy.

Here's the URL to my favorite...

My favorite so far, anyway... wink

Hope everyone is having a very happy New Year!
May it be a peaceful and prosperous one for you all.

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