Those that know me best know that one of the things I love doing is to go canoeing on the large local river. I have the process of putting the canoe on the car and taking it off down to a science. I can have the car completely unloaded in five minutes or less. It is a short ten minute drive; the eastern river shoreline is six miles from here. The Susquehanna River is at one of it's widest points before it empties into the Chesapeake Bay some twenty-some miles south of here.
Those that know me best also know that I love taking pictures, too. I love my camera and take it with me almost everywhere I go. My plethora of images is one of the things that inspired this blog. Why not share?
I mentioned in an earlier post that I am loving my new computer, too. I spent some time playing with the software to manipulate some of my images into 'iMovies.' Last night I posted my first video to YouTube.
The link to my first online video is -
I thought it fitting that my first video posting should be something related to my love of my canoe and the river; especially my river island beach. The video is titled, 'A day on my river.' I hoped somehow to capture some sense of how truly beautiful it is out there. It's just over a minute long. I strung some photos together and pasted some audio effects to produce it. Should you take the time to view it; I hope you enjoy it. I had a lot of fun putting it together.
Making movies might become something of a new passion.
I'll let you all know when there's any more.
I hope everyone's holiday dreams came true.
May the peace of the season be with you all.
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