Monday, February 9, 2009

'Miracle' on the Hudson

Some weeks ago in the news the story of the jetliner crashing into the Hudson was 'Headline News.' It is an amazing story. The governor of New York, David Patterson, is famously quoted as referring to the event as, 'the Miracle on the Hudson.' As the son of an Air Force pilot I can appreciate the story on many levels.

I mentioned in my last post the promise of a 'Spring-feel' weekend and alluded to the need to get away. Somehow I ended up along the Hudson; two blocks south of the initial 'splash-down' point of flight 1549.

It was a 'Spring-feel' weekend in the city. 'Miraculous,' the confluence of some 'free spirits,' for sure. I really got 'connected' to these people from a casual online chat back in '01. I was very lucky that day, indeed. Now, it's all very good. I love these people.

My friend Jeff popped into an online chatroom where I sat alone and said, 'Hello.' I checked and he had no profile. I responded, 'Why no profile?' Without saying anything he disappeared from the room. He reappeared some twenty minutes later; WITH A PROFILE. I thanked him for 'giving me something to work with' and we began chatting. The rest is history; I am sure I will share more of that later.

This weekend found me at friends Steve and Nancy's apartment in Manhattan. Jeff had flown in from Michigan. Always good to see them all; even better when we are all together. It's always ironic to me as I live in the country; but seeing all of them in the city is a breath of fresh air. There definitely was a spring-like feel in the city; people were out-and-about after a brutally cold snap. As always, it was great!

I jumped on the train here in PA just before 9 AM on Saturday morning; arrived at Penn Station in Manhattan just before noon. I took a cab up to 46th Street and the doorman let me in. I dropped my stuff off in their apartment, we talked for a bit and then went out-and-about the city.

There was a bit of a sigh in the room when I mentioned that I wanted to go to the Hard Rock Cafe to get a gift for a friend. The Hard Rock in New York is now located right on Times Square. I am very-spoiled to be able to say, 'been there/done that' and agree it's an area to be avoided. Much too commercial, always many too many people, even for the city.

Funny as I suppose Jeff, Steve, and Nancy decided intuitively and collectively to get the 'worst over with first.' So we walked to Times Square around 2PM and it really wasn't that bad. I grabbed my gifts at the Hard Rock and we jumped on the subway to Shuttle over to Grand Central. Jeff had a 'mission' there.

On one of the concourses of the Grand Central Terminal the Metropolitan Transit Authority maintains the 'New York Transit Museum.' They sell all kinds of cool stuff there.

Jeff got what he wanted; and I got a 'C.' smile

We then headed for lunch in the great food court they have there. Our favorite place is Junior's Deli; I had the classic Pastrami/Swiss on rye. Piled high with the juicy meat; half of the sandwich made it here to Amishland. I will re-enjoy it later this evening, for sure.

After lunch I wanted to go outside and take pictures of the facade, the Chrysler building, et. al. Jeff and Nancy waited at a corner of a promenade as Steve was with his newspaper; indisposed somewhere.

When I went back and met Jeff and Nancy; Jeff asked me to walk over to the opposite corner of the intersection of the promenades and 'talk into the corner.' I was like, 'huh?' He said go over there, face the wall and just say something. I followed his instructions. I said, 'Hello?' OMG I could hear him clearly from the opposite corner of the intersection despite all the backround noise. It was great! I was laughing. I suppose one of those little-known factoids that is fun to know. No doubt, I will ALWAYS remember that spot in Grand Central.

We headed back to the apartment and chilled. We had a great Italian meal nearby later in the evening; a nice quiet evening in the city apartment to end the night. There was defenitely a spring-like feel in the air. It was definitely a 'Spring-feel' weekend. More about it later.

Hope you all had one, too.

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