Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Amish Avocados

If it is Tuesday in my local area of Amishland it is a 'Root's Day.'

What is known locally as 'RUTZ,' is a country farmers market. They are only open on Tuesdays. There are other local daily markets; each with their own flavor, my favorite and the one most local to my home is Root's.
In the picture above you see older Amish women who work at a stand selling fried fish sandwiches. The fried fish is served on two slices of white untoasted bread. I took a picture; I don't 'shop' there. wink

Root's Country Market & Auction Inc.

I went there yesterday to do my usual shopping there. I got a sub sandwich from one stand, egg rolls from another, greek food from another. They do have all kinds of 'stuff' there; because it is so local to me I go there for the food.

Yesterday, I decided to wander a bit through the various stands. I noticed an Amish vegetable stand that was selling avocados 3 for $1. I know that they often sell in local grocery stores for $1.89/piece. I smiled and told the Amish woman I wanted six avocados...a good recipe for guacomole, too. She didn't seem to get that. I thought I was getting a 'deal.'

I left the farmer's market with all my goods and knew if I wanted to make guacomole I would have to stop at grocery store for lime juice, et. al., to make the guacomole.

As I walked through the produce section of the market I saw some avocados.
I looked up at the price-board to see the price. They were imported from Mexico. 10/$1. I was aghast.

The Amish people shopped at the local market. They bought them for a dime.
Sold them for thirty-three cents.

Maybe they aren't so 'backwards' after all....

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