I mentioned in the post 'Back to the Future' that my PC died last week. I am now a very happy mini-Mac owner. I am liking it very much. My original plan for the week was to catch up on things around the houses...mine and my mom's...on Monday after work, as I had been away for the weekend; then go shop for a new computer Tuesday evening. Those plans changed.
I had gone to the store Monday evening after work to get and take groceries over to my mom. After I left the grocery store I hit a traffic snag. Fire police were redirecting the traffic on the road to mom's house. Such situations create a traffic nightmare here. I decided I would just go back home and run the stuff over in the morning.
I got up early Tuesday morning, showered and walked the dog. I came down in the basement and smoked a cigarette before I headed out to face the new day. I got the dog some fresh water and made sure he had food in his bowl. I realized I had to 'get a move on' to get everything I had to do done before I went to work. Just before I headed upstairs I planted my cigarette into an 'overcrowded' glass ashtray. It needed to be emptied. I said good-bye to the dog and left the house for the day.
I went about my day and thought about whether or not I could afford the new computer that I really wanted. I have a nineteen mile/half hour commute in each direction. I am away from the house while working for nine-and-a-half hours. When I got home Tuesday evening I came home to a big surprise.
I opened the door to a heavy odor of smoke. Not cigarette smoke; it was a 'something's burning smoke.' I immediately went downstairs to investigate. What I found was stunning.
The smell of smoke was thick in the air of the basement as I descended the stairs. I looked immediately towards the ashtray that was sitting atop a printer adjacent to my chair here at the PC. The ashtray was shattered. My checkbook had two inches of charred paper; it had burned through all twenty five checks with the attached carbon copies. Jeff happened to call as I was surveying my initial discovery. I told him I was stunned. Our conversation was brief as he was home from work and his beautiful baby Pug Sophie was demanding his attention. After I talked to him I made an even more stunning discovery.
As I was talking on the phone I noticed that the lights were off on my DSL modem. I checked to be sure it was plugged in. I looked down towards the power strip to find that the power strip was burned, too. A four inch length of the plastic casing was melted and charred. There was an extension cord plugged into the power strip. The fire had burned through the insulation exposing bare wires. It was definitely one of those 'OMG' and 'WTF' moments all rolled into one.
It was clear the cigarette I stuffed in the ashtray this morning created a smoldering fire with all the butts it contained. The heat became so hot that the ashtray had shattered. When it did, the checkbook burned and some of the burning debris fell on the floor to melt/char the power strip and burn the insulation off the extension cord. When the gravity of the potential consequences sunk in, I immediately 'loved' the dog. His bed is but three feet from the power strip. He often throws a pillow around when I am not here. Had that landed on the burning extension cord, who knows? My God! The poor little guy might have been scared to death. I wondered later if he might have put it out somehow as he is really smart.
I immediately changed my plans, too. No shopping tonight. My God, how lucky could I be. Clearly, my house could have burned down; little Henry might be gone, too. Unbelievable!
I got in the car and drove to a local 'distributor.' I bought beer and lottery tickets. I am familiar with both of the people working there that night and I told them the story which explained why I was buying the lottery tickets. They agreed; I dodged a bullet. On one score I had to celebrate; on another I had to take a chance as I felt very lucky. Those that know me may chuckle at that. I was very lucky, indeed.
I talked to a local friend of mine Wednesday afternoon. As I told her what happened I got paranoid. I feared I hadn't found all the electrical damage. I feared I might have missed something. I was relieved when I rounded the corner on my drive home and the house was still there. The whole experience did 'spook' me and yes, Steve, it might be one more reason to quit smoking.
Just my drama of the week.
For now I want to stick to fires like the one featured at the top of yesterday's post below. No doubt, much safer when you are not home.
It's very cold here in the Northeast. No doubt, an early winter blast.
Hope everyone is staying warm and having fun.
Staying safe, too!