My father was a United States Air Force pilot. I was born in Boise, Idaho. From there we moved on to Seattle, WA; Cocoa Beach, FL; Montgomery, AL, Alexandria, VA; Omaha, NE; northern California
The countryside here is beautiful but the locals are a strange breed. They have never been very far from here and have no desire to go anywhere, either. They are not by their nature very friendly. I joke now that we were THE FIRST family that EVER moved here from somewhere else. It sure felt like it then; sorry to say, in many ways it still does today.
I really am the Cable guy. When the weather's nice it can be a fun job. Every day really is a new adventure. I am out on-my-own, meet a lot of people, and I get to see how everyone lives. I have been at it many years and given the explosion of the Internet it has been a good place to be.
Growing up moving around as often as we did I learned to always try to make-the-most of where ever we happened to be. In this blog I will try to chronicle my attempt to do that here in Lancaster, PA; Amishland, USA